The Irish Setter Breeders Club is a national Breed Club based in the United Kingdom. The Club was founded in 1938 and has over 1500 members worldwide. It has the largest membership of any of the UK Irish Setter breed clubs. We hope this Web Site is a useful source of information about the breed, not only to Irish Setter owners who show or breed their dogs but also to those owners who have a companion Setter(s).
The ISBC extends a warm welcome to any genuine lover of the breed, whether their interest lies in shows, field work, as an the owner of a companion setter, or indeed, as one who may be contemplating the possession of an Irish Setter now or in the future.
The Club’s aim is to help and advise, whenever the need arises, on any matter or problem regarding pedigrees, canine education or the welfare of the breed in general.
We hope that both members and non-members will contact one another at every opportunity in a spirit of friendship. The Committee of the ISBC is always ready to impart the knowledge and experience they have gained over the years to those anxious to do their best by their dogs.
The ISBC’s desire is to see our lovely breed maintain its position of eminence in the dog world – not so much in quantity as the right quality, and we know we can only reach that height with your support and encouragement.
Our funds are used in furtherance of the best interests of the breed as a whole; the novice exhibitor is equally as important to us as the most experienced championship show judge – after all, they are the future of the breed.
Help us to help you, by joining the ISBC
Membership Secretary Contact: Mrs Wendy Holehan-Green, 07881468058 Email: