Irish Setter Breeders Club

est 1938

Kate O`Callaghan Memorial Open Show 2024
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Thank you for your support. We had 97-dogs making 110-entries

Judge for this show is:-   

Dogs & Bitches:- Mrs S Randle (Rionore)

(L) BIS & BB Heather`s Sixoaks My Fair Lady JW (R) RBIS & RBB Sturrock`s ShCh Forfarian Soo Lush JW
BPIS Gardner`s Danwish Troubadour
BVIS Murchison`s Pawsword Paperback Writer For Corphin JW
(L)BD Kolbach`s Kerryfair Zoom In On Pawsword (R)RBD Danks-Kemish & Swannell`s Alolfrana All I Ask Of Eveandabec


All photos are copyright protected, and by kind permission of Colin N Waddell Photography. Should you wish to use any photographs in any format ie screenshot etc or form which are on this site for either publishing, printing, or social media please contact Colin direct on his website where more photos from the show can also be found



Judge Mrs S Randle (Rionore)

I received my first Irish Setter, Cazzie, back in 1979 from an elderly lady who had to give up her Irish and Goldies due to health reasons. As everyone else in those days, I took her to an exemption show at the back of our house, was told to enter her and she duly won Best In Show. I was hooked. Then started my days of apprenticeship at the local Open Shows. In time, we bought a lovely Segantii bitch. Both she and Cazzie were bred from and our little kennel grew. Sadly my marriage broke down and I had to drift away from the dog showing but kept my dogs through my cross country and long-distance riding days. In 2000, my life was on a different track and so I came back to dog showing. I achieved a CC with my homebred bitch, Rionore Bewitching Thyme and a RCC with my Wickenberry Jack’s Lad at Rionore. I started judging at around the same time and have had the honour over the years to be hands on 450+ dogs at General Open Shows, Gundog Society Shows, Midland Irish Setter Club Open and Belfast Irish Setter Club Open Show all over the country. Forfarian Hidden Secret at Rionore gave me my 3rd Stud Book Number, allowing me after many years to be grandfathered onto the KC listings to give CCs.  It is with great pleasure that I’ve accepted this appointment and look forward to the day.

Sue Randle


Thank you to the Committee of the ISBC for the invitation and privilege to judge at this show. It was an honour and cannot fault the wonderful hospitality making it an unforgettable experience. Many thanks to all the exhibitors who entered giving me the chance to go over some dogs of wonderful quality. This is sadly missing in Open Show judging nowadays due to falling numbers. And, finally, but certainly not least a huge thank you to Eva and Lindsey for your efficient stewarding.

Minor puppy bitch (6)

1st Mugfords’ Kedalita Abfab for Lynwood
Pretty well-balanced 8 month old. Good in head with adequate stop, correct eye shape and ear set. Enough length of neck flowing into well laid back shoulders through topline to good tailset. Angles good for age front and rear. Moved well with reach and drive. Best Bitch Puppy.

2nd Bott, Milligan-Bott & Smith’s Thendara Graff Venus
Different type and at just 6 months behaved well for her handler. Taller and slightly longer than the 1st but well balanced and a lot of the same comments apply. Her age showed in her movement today being slightly less strong in hock than the winner. But that will improve as she matures.

3rd Bott’s Bardonhill Marie’s the Name

Puppy bitch (4)

1st Mugfords’ Kedalita Abfab for Lynwood
As Minor Puppy Bitch

2nd Borthwick’s Danwish Aria
Liked this 9 month old puppy for overall balance and presence. Pretty head with gentle but mischievous expression. Good length of neck flowing into gently sloping topline and correct tailset. Good front angulation and enough stifle for age. Neat feet and covered the ground nicely on the move.

3rd Gisbys’ Marlland Lily on the Valley by Suteresett (Imp Nld)

Junior bitch (6,1)

1st Robinsons’ Cherrorvale Dream Come True
Nicely put together and not overexaggerated in any department. Good forechest and lay back of shoulder. Deep in brisket with well sprung ribcage. Strong in loin. Presented in good condition. Nice neat feet. Moved well.

2nd Mitchell’s Kerryfair Misty Love
Sweet headed girl slightly smaller in stature to the winner, but well proportioned with a neat outline. A lot to like but would have preferred a bit more drive on the move today.

3rd Williamsons’ Caskeys United with Bluesprings

Special Yearling bitch (2)

1st Humphreys’ Riverbrue Ophelia Bongos at Henaleas
Very well put together with pretty head and lovely expression. Slightly longer in body than 2nd but good depth to chest, spring of rib and strong in loin. Angles good throughout and moved nicely with reach and drive.

2nd Leach’s Riverbrue Ophelia Jubbly
Litter sisters but two very different types! This girl is shorter in body and chunkier throughout but again nicely balanced and another pretty head. Good angles throughout and moved well. Another day I could reverse the placings .. both lovely girls.

Novice bitch (5,1)

1st Robinsons’ Cherrorvale Dream Come True
Repeat of 1st in Junior

2nd Mugfords’ Kedalita Abfab for Lynwood
Repeat of 1st in Minor Puppy and Puppy

3rd Borthwick’s Danwish Aria

Undergraduate bitch (2.1)

1st Gisbys’ Marlland Lily On the Valley by Suteresett (Imp Nld)
Stood alone in this class but nevertheless is a nicely put together young lady. Nice angles fore and aft and good depth throughout. Tight feet and moved well for her age. I personally would prefer less slope to the croup but as only 8 months this may improve as she matures.

Graduate bitch (7,1)

1st Mugfords’ Lywood Rather Scrumptious
One I have done well when younger and still developing nicely. My notes say very good on the move and well put together with excellent angles fore and aft. Attractive in head with lovely feminine expression. Deep in chest with good spring of rib. Neat feet. Moved well holding her topline and straight away and back.

2nd Clarkes’ Covarney Dream Time from Bronrians
Slightly different type but well put together. Nicely balanced with good angles throughout. Attractive head with adequate reach of neck. Presented in good conditions and moved well for her handler with reach and drive.

3rd Peter’s Corranroo Viennese Waltz to Shirlilah

Post Graduate bitch (10,2)

1st Heathers’ Sixoaks My Fair Lady (BB and BIS)
Loved this nicely presented and pretty bitch when she entered the ring. A nice honest type not overdone in any way. Feminine head with lovely expression. Enough stop and well set on ears. Her neck flowed down through well laid back shoulders into the correct gently sloping topline and tailset. Good in forechest with good depth and well ribbed back. Not too long in loin and good stifles allowing her to move with drive and reaching out in front. On checking some previous judging I find that I gave her grandmother a RBOB in 2015. Happy to give her Best Bitch and ultimately Best In Show.

2nd Hall’s Harreds Lillie
Another very nice bitch who just missed out on the day. Smaller in type with pretty head and lovely dark eye. A lot of the comments from the winner apply to this girl as well. She was again a picture on the move – happy and with drive.

3rd Walters’ Gwendariff Yella Jumper (IKC)

Limit bitch (11,4)

1st Baynes’ Corranroo Rainbow Shimmer
My notes say fabulous presentation and very good mover. Nice in head with gentle expression. Good angles throughout. Deep in chest, well sprung in rib and strong in loin. Lovely dark coat. Would prefer a little more depth to her muzzle but that’s personal preference. She moved in perfect harmony with her handler and pushed for Reserve Best Bitch on the day.

2nd Heathers’ Sixoaks Leading Lady
Dam of my Post Graduate winner and a lot of the comments are similar. She has a lovely head with melting expression. Different in type to the winner. She could have more front angulation and moved with less verve on the day.

3rd Bye’s Bluebyeyou Love in A Mist

Open bitch (4)

What a lovely class and a privilege for an Open Show judge to get ‘hands on’ to 3 lovely show champions I’ve admired from the ringside.

1st Sturrocks’ Sh Ch Forfarian Soo Lush
Pretty headed girl with such a feminine expression. Nothing overdone but good angles throughout. Good length of neck flowing into a gently sloping topline and correct tailset.
Good in forechest with enough depth of chest. Well sprung ribs and strong in loin. Excellent rear angles which she used to her full advantage on the move, using her tail correctly, holding her topline and with reach and drive. Just missing her ‘furnishings’ today to take Best Bitch but pleased to award her Reserve Best Bitch and Reserve Best In Show.

2nd Mugfords’ Sh Ch Lywood Abracadabra
Another one I’ve long admired. Heavier type than my winner but nothing to fault. I, personally, would prefer a little longer in the neck to balance the overall picture. Lovely head with correct shaped gentle eye and correct earset. Lovely angles throughout and presented in good coat. Moved well and steady holding her topline.

3rd Elkins’ Sh Ch Twoacres Promise of Spring with Avacet

Veteran bitch (2)

1st Jones’ Alolfrana in a Hot Storm over Wenflaen
In lovely condition and good coat at 8 years of age. She’s nicely balanced throughout with enough coat. Liked her head, feminine with kind eye, enough stop and correct earset. Neat feet and still moved with reach and drive. Best Veteran Bitch

2nd Whites’ Swiftlark First Desire at Paduan
Another 8 year old but slightly heavier in type. Good depth to chest and correct angles fore and aft. Sadly gave her handler a tough time today but settled to move well.

Minor Puppy dog (6)

1st Tapper and Leyland’s Kedalita Steptoe and Son
Litter brother to my best bitch puppy. He’s progressing well. Pleasant in overall balance and head with enough neck leading into good angles and sloping topline with correct tailset. Moved well. Would have preferred a little more bone and a little less depth to lip to challenge for best puppy dog.

2nd Bott’s Bardonhill Return to Sender
My notes say very nice puppy at just 6 months. Lovely head with melting expression. Good overall balance with neat feet. Pushed the winner but was not quite as outgoing on the day.

3rd Bardonhill It’s Now or Never for Fernstart

Puppy dog (5)

1st Gardner’s Danwish Troubadour
Just my type – 9 month old. Balanced throughout with masculine head with gentle expression. Correct front angulation and good length of neck flowing through topline to correct tailset. Enough stifle for his age. Ribbed well back with good depth of chest and strong over the loin. Well presented in good condition and coat. Moved very well and true going to and from. Pleased to award Best Puppy Dog and Best Puppy in Show.

2nd Edwards’ Copper’s Get Off My Cloud by Bonhomie (Imp Swe)
More mature 11 month old puppy. Slightly heavier in type but nicely balanced. Good in bone, depth of chest. Pleasing in head with good stop and correct eyeshape and earset. Enough neck and angles for his age. Moved well with reach and drive.

3rd Tapper and Leyland’s Kedalita Steptoe and Son

Junior dog (4.1)

1st Danks-Kemish and Swannell’s Alolfrana All I Ask of Eveandabec
First time I’ve had the opportunity to get ‘hands on’ this lovely dog. Racy, well-balanced outline. Enough neck flowing into good shoulder angulation through to sloping topline and correct tailset. Deep in chest, ribbed well back and strong in loin. Moved very well and in good condition. Happy to award him Reserve Best Dog.

2nd Robinson-Slater’s Kerryfair Misty Morning
Nice racy outline with straight front. Pleasant head with kind expression. Adequate angles front and rear. Good in topline. Moved strongly with reach and drive.

3rd Richardson’s Bardonhill McIntosh Red at Montgreenan

Special Yearling dog (5,2)

1st Berry and Morris’s Copper’s Midsummer Night’s Dream (Imp Swe)
Loved his outline and overall balance. Maturing nicely with good depth to chest. Lovely masculine head. Enough neck flowing into sloping topline which, together with nice angles front and rear, he held when on the move.

2nd Cole’s Riverbrue Ophelia Bobby
Another lovely dog similar in type and a lot of the above comments apply. Slightly lighter in build but racy. Masculine head, correct angulation and sound on the move. Just preferred the overall finish on my 1st today.

3rd Danks-Kemish’s Flannan’s Emotion in Motion at Alolfrana

Novice dog (5,1)

1st Danks-Kemish and Swannell’s Alolfrana All I Ask of Eveandabec
1st in Junior

2nd Gardner’s Danwish Troubadour
1st in  Puppy

3rd Tapper and Leyland’s Kedalita Steptoe and Son
1st in Minor Puppy

Undergraduate dog (3,2)

1st Davisons’ Bardonhill Million Reasons
Stood alone in this class but handsome dog. Head of correct planes with good stop and correct eye shape and earset. Enough neck to sloping topline and correct tailset. My notes say today he was a little choppy in front on the move.

Graduate dog (8)

1st Kolbach’s Kerryfair Zoom in on Pawsword
A lovely typey dog who was one with his handler today. Racy in outline with enough coat. Lovely angles front and rear. Masculine head with correct earset and eyeshape giving a mischievous expression. Good reach of neck flowing into a correct topline and tailset. He moved with reach and drive and was more than happy to award him Best Dog.

2nd Sheldon’s Bardonhill A Million Ways to Delsanto
Lighter in body type but well put together. Another lovely head with no coarseness and gentle expression. Good in bone with neat feet. Reasonable angles front and rear. Strong topline held on the move.

3rd Gilks’ Suteresett Mr Mistoffelees at Gochmawr

Post Graduate dog (8,1)

1st Beresford’s Jetsetter Wind of Dreams (Imp Rus)
Upstanding dog with presence in the ring. Masculine balanced head with correct earset and expressive eyes. Nice length of neck leading to sloping topline and good tailset. Presented in good condition with enough coat. Lovely in angles and overall balance which gave a strong picture on the move.
2nd Nicholls’ Strathmead Alexei
A little smaller in build but my notes say same as above for type and overall balance. Good in bone, neat feet and angles. Liked his head but just preferred the winner’s on the day. Moved well keeping his topline and using his tail well.

3rd Needs’ Covarney It Takes Time with Stourford

Limit dog (10,2)

A lovely class with not enough cards and hair-splitting decisions.

1st Gardner’s Quensha Walk Me Home to Danwish
Typey dog with clean balanced outline. Masculine head with gentle expression. Would have preferred a little more neck but enough flowing into sloping topline and correct tailset. Good bone and neat feet. Angles front and rear were good and used to his advantage on the move with reach and drive.

2nd Richardson’s Bluesprings Now I’m Here at Forestfire
Different type of dog who is longer in body. Another masculine headed boy with lovely expression. He was presented well and in good condition. Not quite so strong behind on the move as the winner today.

3rd Murray’s Bluebyeyou Love Affair at Derrydore

Open dog (2)

1st Needs’ Covarney Paco Rabanne at Stourford
Well balanced overall picture, nicely presented. Correctly proportioned in head with parallel planes. Good in stop with correct eyeshape and soft expression. Neck of correct length flowing into topline and correct tailset. Moved well covering the ground holding his topline. Did flag his tail slightly on the more but he’s a boy!

2nd MacDonald’s Redclyst Maximus
Not quite as finished as my winner but liked his overall outline. Slightly shorter in muzzle length but still masculine in head with kind expression. Enough angles fore and aft and moved well.

Veteran dog (1)

1st Murchison’s Pawsword Paperback Writer for Corphin
Stood alone. A lovely moving 8 year old I had the pleasure to judge before when he was younger. Still an elegant balanced dog with lovely angles. Masculine head with gentle expression. Loved his overall presence with enough neck, deep in chest with ribs set well back. Moved strongly with reach and drive. Pleased to give him Best Veteran in Show.

Special Beginner’s Dog or Bitch (1,1)

Brace Dog or Bitch (2)

1st Heathers’ brace
Two lovely girls from the Sixoaks’ kennel who were matched in type. Moved well together in tune with their handler.

2nd Purvis’ brace
Dog and bitch pairing of nice dogs. Moved well but today did not present the overall balanced picture of my winning pair.

Susan J. Randle (Rionore)

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