Irish Setter Breeders Club

est 1938

ISBC 51st Breed Championship Show 2023
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Judges for this show are:-

Dogs:- Mrs J Frampton (Strathmead)

Bitches:- Mrs L Macaulay (Stylersetts)

Dog CC & Best In Show Sh Ch Riverbrue Alchemist Amidst Kespas JW (Ken & Pat Stockton) (L) (27 CC's) Bitch CC Res Best In Show, BVIS Gwendariff Lily The Pink (Lisa Bougen) (L) (2nd CC) Judges: Judi Frampton (D) - Lyn Macaulay (B) Referee: Cheryl Stevenson
Dog CC Sh Ch Riverbrue Alchemist Amidst Kespas JW (Ken & Pat Stockton) (L) (27 CC's) Res Dog CC CIE BIS / BISS Ch Glimmer Noblesse Cloud Dancer (Bronka Glonekova) : Judge: Judi Frampton
Bitch CC Gwendariff Lily The Pink (Lisa Bougen) (L) (2nd CC) Res Bitch CC Forfarian Soo Lush JW (Nicola, Jenna Sandra Sturrock) (R) Judge: Lyn Macaulay
Best Puppy In Show Riverbrue Ophelia Love Glennara (Katrina Hall) Judges: Lyn Macaulay (B) - Judi Frampton (D)
Bitch CC & RBIS, Best Veteran In Show Gwendariff Lily The Pink (Lisa Bougen) (L) (2nd CC) Judges: Lyn Macaulay (B) - Judi Frampton (D)
Catalogue And Marked Results
Dog Critique

My sincere thanks to the committee of the ISBC for the invitation to judge at this prestigious show. I would

like to thank my able stewards David and Joy, also the exhibitors for a lovely entry.

There is no doubt the Irish Setter performs better outside on grass, his natural environment, where eye and

coat colour is enhanced in the daylight. Unfortunately, this year it wasn`t able to happen due to the weather.

MP (1)

  1. SHEPHERD`S -CASACHARED CONNORS DELANEY. Standing solo and 6-months, he has a dark eye and kind expression. Plenty of bone, good forehand, showing fore chest, deep through brisket. Needing to drop into stifle as one would expect at this age. Happy and erratic on the move.

P (6,2)

  1. BERRY & MORRIS`S -COPPER`S MIDSUMMER NIGHT`S DREAM (Imp Swe) 9-months, rangy pup, all legs and wings at present, but very scopey. Would hope that he develops more in foreface to balance his skull, but he has a mischievous dark eye. Well boned, good feet and rib, plenty of heart room. Shorter loin would enhance but has a good wide rump. Moves with zest and style BPD.
  2. COLE`S -RIVERBRUE OPHELIA BOBBY, Smaller frame on this 11-month pup, and very much of what I like. Beautiful head, dark melting eye, low set ear, oval bone, excellent front. Has a wealth of lush dark puppy coat, but sadly so overweight, and on the move really rolling. Needs to go on a diet!

J (6,0)

  1. KOLBACH`S -KERRYFAIR ZOOM IN ON PAWSWORD. Really promising youngster, brimming with

 breed type and character. Classic headpiece, dark expressive eye + twitching brow. Good head planes

and back skull, chiselling under eye, low set neat leathers. Exceptional forehand showing upper arm, and

long well laid shoulder blade. Has fore chest + good rib, short strong loin and powerful rear quarters.

Moves well with style, lashing his super short tail. All topped off with lush, dark coat.

  1. CHORLEY-NEWTON, CHORLEY & FLINDER`S -KERRYFAIR JUST BE. Litter brother to 1, and already

a well-known youngster. So balanced in outline, has a lovely head, good finish to muzzle and dark

engaging eye, crested neck flowing in topline, good width of thigh. Moves steadily,

 but not the animation of 1.


Y (1)

  1. GRATTON`S -GLENLAINE NEVER SAY NEVER. Res in a strong junior class. Tall boy, attractive head,

of good style, but far too heavy, making it difficult to assess his departments. Moved ok, but a bit proud of

 his tail today.

M (3,0)


N (6,1)


UG (3,0)

  1. CORLESS`S -SWIFTLARK INVINCIBLE JW. Tall boy, head stronger than I prefer, but has a dark eye,

good finish to muzzle and correct dentition. Is underweight which detracts, but good croup and short tail.

 Moves ok.

  1. PULLEN & ATKIN`S -COVARNEY PICKPOCKET AT JACINGAIL. More of the size I prefer, balanced

 head, good rib and brisket, wide quarters, moves ok.


G (9,3)

  1. ROBINSON SLATER`S -KERRYFAIR LUCKY SEVEN. Typey boy, beautiful refined head, lots of

 chiselling, dark unshelled almond eye, good dentition, low set ear hanging close to skull. Well off for bone.

 Correct length of neck, showing elegance. Strong backline , no lumps n bumps in top line. Good in croup

 and tail set, strong in rear pastern. Needs more animation on the move, feet need major

 attention – get trimming!!

  1. CORLESS`S -SWIFTLARK SPELLBINDER. This boy is up to size, but has a pleasant head, kind

 expression, decent bone, top line and croup. Moving ok.


PG (7,1)

  1. RICHARDSON`S -BLUESPRINGS NOW I`M HERE AT FORESTFIRE. Really liked this elegant dog,

  presents a picture of balance and quality. Lovely male head, shows refinement, gentle expression. Arched

  neck, clean throat, well laid shoulder, gun barrel front, has plenty of fore chest, oval bone. Gently sloping

  top line to strong rear. On the move, he drove out with precise footfall and propulsion.

  1. BERESFORD`S -JETSETTER WIND OF DREAMS (Imp Rus). Handsome , rugged boy, great head

  piece, melting expressive eye. Not yet 3-years, so has more maturing to do. Good front, well shaped feet.

  Moved steadily.


ML (4,2)

  1. BROWN`S -RIVERBRUE SOLDIER ON. Lovely style of dog, ideal size. Classic balanced head, good in

  back skull and moderately deep in muzzle. Kind dark eye, soft countenance, yet still masculine. Strong

  arched neck, good prosternum and sprung rib, short powerful loin, well developed second thigh, wide

  powerful rear. In good coat and furnishings. Moved well.

  1. WILLIAMSON`S -BLUESPRINGS PICTURE THIS. Loved the head + expression on this boy. Dark eye

  with raised quizzical brow, good ear set . In outline, balanced body showing symmetry, well off for bone,

  moved well.

L (7,3)

  1. MURCHISON`S -KERRYFAIR PLEASE PLEASE ME CORPHIN. Really liked this all male exhibit.

  Refined, handsome head, with good balance of muzzle to skull, dark eye , raised brow. In stack, shows

  good ribbing, well angulated fore hand, plenty of heart room, strong rear and second thigh. In lovely coat

  and condition. Moves with style.

  1. MACDONALD`S -REDCLYST HEAD FULL OF DREAMS. Liked the headpiece, not overdone, dark

  melting eye, kind expression. Well angulated at fore, with good underline. Would prefer a better croup to

  be hypercritical but has strong wide thigh. Moves ok.


O (5,0)

  1. STOCKTON`S -SH.CH.RIVERBRUE ALCHEMIST AMIDST KESPAS JW. An aristocrat of a dog , totally

  filled my eye and gave me goosebumps on the move. Noble head, long and lean, correct planes,

  quizzical dark eye, raised brow. Well set neatly folded leathers. Clean throat, crested neck fitting so

  cleanly into his shoulders. Flows through top line. Plenty of fore chest without being excessive, well

  ribbed up, strength in loin, wide in rear + that all important second thigh. On the move, great reach and

  drive, effortless and so light of foot. Delighted to award this outstanding male the CC and on the

  Referee`s decision BIS. Very proud owners, my congratulations.


  A real showman, so stylish and so proud, sets himself up as if to say “look at me !” Handsome refined

  head, exquisite eye. Clean in his arched neck, fitting into clean shoulder. Wealth of fore chest, deep

  through rib, striking in top line, just flows to powerful rear and lashing tail. On the move he couldn`t match

  1, possibly because of over exuberance, but a lovely example of the breed.

  Very happy to award him the RCC


V (5,2)

  1. MURCHISON`S -PAWSWORD PAPERBACK WRITER FOR CORPHIN. 7-year old typey boy. Good dentition,

  very well balanced head, lovely expression. Good reach of neck, shoulders well angulated. Well filled

  front. Decent croup and wide thigh. Moves well . BVD.

  1. CORLESS`S -SWIFTLARK FIRST KNIGHT. 8-year old. Kind expression, good fore hand and rib,

   enjoying his outing.


SVV (1)

  1. RORK`S -ZAKHAN ON THE GRID. Grand 12 year old. Sweet greying face, good dentition.

   Moved out well, such a happy chap, a credit to his owner.




Bitch Critique

I would like to thank the ISBC for my invitation to judge Bitches at your 51st Championship show, always an honour to be asked but a club show invite is special.

I was very humbled with my entry especially in these present times, to the exhibitors a thank you for bringing your girls for my appraisal.

2023 is my 40th year in the breed and of course I have seen many changes, some for the better presentation for one, and heads are on the whole perhaps are more refined in today’s dogs.

My observations on the day I think there’s a need to keep an eye on topline’s  I have noticed  some level  backs creeping in along with short front legs this doesn’t bode well for  the future, it is the one thing that sets Irish Setters apart from the other setter breeds is a gently sloping topline.

Feet and long nails ! very few here today had good feet it does not help their appearance with long nails and can make them look flat footed when coming towards you, heads in the main were ok, some a little too fine with a few narrow muzzles , heads should be balanced not narrow or snipy and  preferably fairly square at the end. Having said this I was more than happy with my line up , I found in most classes what i was looking for. Lastly but by no way  least a very big thank you to my Stewards who without their  efficient running of my ring, would of made my job a lot harder.

Minor Puppy Bitch 2

1 Stewart & Dewer Mr A & Mrs L Gwendariff Lavender Lashes, 8 month old  litter sisters 1&2 , this girl was very raw , taller and at the leggy stage, feminine refined head, dark eyes , and a lovely sloping topline, movement  was  steady.

2 Stewart & Ellrich Mr A &Miss R Gwendariff  Purple Power, This  B was more compact than 1, head was a little strong for my  preference, she had a good finish to her muzzle, i liked her strong muscled quarters, and perhaps coped with the flooring better, was carrying a bit of extra weight today.

Puppy Bitch  7

1 Hall Mrs K  Riverbrue Ophelia Love Glennara  This b is so wonderfully balanced already, very pretty head  dark mischievous eyes under good brows, good arched neck in to angulated shoulders, good in forearm  straight front and good feet, good in rib and loin , lovely width over croup nicely bent stifles with good second thigh , moved soundly and positively, Best puppy in Show.

2 Nevitt Mrs S Joaodaws Stargazer  Another very feminine b, lighter in colour and more movement in coat than 1, very attractive head elegant neck into good lay of shoulder, not quite as forward in development as 1 in her body, but im sure these two will change places often, two very nice bitches.

3 Glonekova  Glimmer Noblesse Emotion in Motion.

4 Leach  Mrs L Riverbrue Ophelia Jubbly.

5 Gurney Mrs  Danaway Layfayette.

Junior Bitch 9 (2)

1Rorke Mrs J Zakhan’s Diamond Queen  Nice size b in good bloom, I particularly liked her sinewy forelegs not often seen so much these days , very attractive head good eye and colour, and liked her low set ears, moderate neck into fine shoulders ,wide quarters , standing on good feet and moved steady and true.

2 Mugford Mr RC & Mrs JP Lynwood Rather Scrumptious JW. This b had a really nice outline, lovely gentle slope to her topline with strong well bent stifles, she is of a nice size and nothing overdone, moved well with animation.

3 Peters Miss LM. Corranroo Viennese Waltz

4 Leach Riverbrue Ophelia Jubbly

5 Hopewell Mr D & Mrs S Krasny Angel Rose.

Yearling  Bitch 5

1 Hall Mrs K Glennara Cherry Cola JW. A very close decision between 1 &2 very much a head over heart moment.

Elegance and refinement with a racy balanced outline, beautiful head and eye, elegant neck , good front assembly deep in chest &   good bend of stifle, moved soundly with lashing tail, should have a bright future.

2 Hall Mr Peter. Harreds Lillie. A smaller b than 1 and of a different type, being more rugged, but not losing any femininity , loved her refined head with lovely dark eye, very striking topline, darker in coat than 1 with movement, not so forward in maturity as 1, she moved correctly and with purpose, another who should do well.

3 Holley Mrs J Gwendariff Thistle Be Jills At Wynjill.

4 Cooper Mr K & Mrs A Redclyst sail Seven Seas to Hugared.

5 White Mr AJ Paduan Golden Girl

Maiden 7 (1)

1Hall Riverbrue Ophelia Love Glennara

2 Nevitt Joaodaws Stargazer

3 Leach Riverbrue Ophelia Jubbly

4 Hopewell Krasny Angel Rose.

5 Cooper Paduan Golden Girl.

Novice  7

1Rorke  Zakhans diamond Queen.

2 Hall Riverbrue Ophelia love Glennara.

3 Hopewell Krasny Angel Rose.

4Hillocks  Jonola Bellini.

5 Shepard Glenvarna Cover Girl.

Undergraduate 7 (1)

1Heron-O’Brien Mrs Fiona. Bluesprings Christina At Caskeys. Lovely type and so very eye catching, totally balanced quality girl; maturing nicely, refined head with some workings, good brow dark eye and good finish to foreface, strong neck into good lay back of shoulders, good straight front depth of chest and good width to thigh and well bent stifles, correct sloping topline and good finish to croup, moved soundly, promising bitch.

2 Parker & Stevens Miss S & Mr J. Gwendariff Pink Champagne, Very much liked this girls type, very pretty head would of preferred a tad darker eye, she had a very feminine outline, just needed more belly fringes to complete the picture.

3 Pallister Mr I & Mrs PA. Penwyn Keeping Faith.

4 Pike Mrs R J Glenlaine Pink Diamond.

5Peters Miss LM Corranroo Hot Sensation

Graduate  10 (3)

1 Corless Mrs S. Swiflark Illustrious JW, Quite a mature B who is a nice size, very balanced outline, has a good straight front and nice bend to stifle , her head is balanced but i feel it could be longer in length ,good finish to muzzle, dark well shaped eyes, moved soundly but feels she needs to move a little faster, liked her body shape, coat and condition .

2 HeatherMr J E & Mrs M E. Sixoaks My Fair Lady. Really feminine lady she is, lighter in colour to 1 and perhaps a little longer in back, very elegant neck into well laid shoulders, good width to stifle, nice tight feet, another sound girl who needs to move faster, just preferred finish to foreface on 1,

3 Fox & Flinders Mrs J & Miss E. Kerryfair Heart to Heart.

4 Turner Mrs J Blazing Bronze Jitterbug With Dazycutter IMP NLD

5 Pallister. Penwyn Keeping Faith.

Post Graduate 10  (1)

This was a very nice class.

1 Sturrock Mrs S Misses N & J. Forfarian Tickles Yer Fancy. really typy girl, refined balance head with good eye and expression, strong moderate neck which flowed in to a gently sloping topline, good width over croup , not over angulated for or aft, moved at  the correct speed to see good reach and drive, one to watch.

2 Douthwaite & Wharfe. Quensha Beautiful Stranger. Very Stylish b, darker coated than 1 and a flatter coat, very balanced outline, long lean head with good finish to muzzle, good brows , good straight front and i can remember noting her lovely small padded feet , has all the essentials to do well. Moved well carrying her head nicely .

3 Box Miss R Fernstart  Hearts Delight JW

4 Watt Mr J A. Shenanagin Half A Sixpence.

5 Williamson Mrs L.Bluesprings A Kind Of Magic At Keljaru.


Mid Limit 9 (2 )

1 Heron-O’Brien . Bluesprings Sunday Girl .Lovely balanced b who is typy, she has a profuse coat of lighter chestnut i think her coat would benefit of a bit of taming,  perhaps  she is not so striking as others with a darker coat, however I liked her understated type, I thought her head was delightfully balanced excellent chiselling , dark well shaped eyes, not as elegant in neck as some, but was balanced in profile, such a shame she was overweight here today, made her less than racy, moved ok , but wasn’t at one with her handler today.

2 Heather Mr J E & Mrs M E. Sixoaks Leading Lady, very similar to type as 1, and I preferred her topline to 1, darker coated b , again very sound, good feet and short nails, moderate in neck , well balanced , this bitch could be moved a bit faster, although was true coming and going, only lost out to 1 on a finer skull .

3 Stewart & Neil Mr A & Miss C Gwendariff  Pin Up Girl.

4 Bott, Allen, & Morgan Mr P Mr G & Mrs A Quensha Crimes Of Passion.

5 Davie Locfrae Nina Simone.

Limit 8 (2)

1 Sturrock ,Mrs S & Misses N&J Forfarian Soo Lush JW.  RCC  Two very different types and I liked them both for different reasons, This girl was perhaps more compact than 2 but still retained elegance, she commands attention and rightly so, very nice bitch to go over, lovely refined head with dark eye, she had a good straight front and decent bend of stifle with good width in quarters, which powered her around the ring, one who is knocking on the door , I hope on this form that all important 3rd isn’t that far away.

2 Holley, Mrs J Gwendariff Look This Way To Wynjill JW. Another quality b, I thought she was stunning, although she tried her hardest on throwing her chances away, at the table she stood lovely when going over her in the line up she just sunk in to her hindquarters, on the move  she showed good strong driving action, this b was in good bloom , another very feminine head and good eye shape and colour, standing on good legs and nice feet, has the essentials to do well.

3 Naylor,  Mr N Anlory Carignan JW

4 Edwards,  Mrs S E Gwendariff  Its Numero Uno At Bonhomie.

5 Fox, Mr D & Mrs J Kerryfair Special Diamond.

Open  4

1 Crocker, Mr B A   SH CH Riverbrue Gloriana  1&2 were of different types ,1 being of my preferred size, she has a lovely head most appealing , and was in lovely condition both in coat and muscle tone, which was evident in her free flowing movement, especially side gait she has good front and back extension and is at one with her owner / breeder , a bitch that is at the top of her game and I wish her continued success .

2 Mugford ,   Mr R C & Mrs J P,  SH CH Lynwood Abracadabra.JW .  Although this b was taller and longer than 1 I preferred her more racy appearance, her head in profile showed level plains but not the softer expression as of 1, every bit a show girl giving her all and happily, moved well.

3 Elkins , Mrs C M T, Two Acres Promise Of Spring With Avacet.

4 Glonekova Miss CH . Glimmer Noblesse Darling Hurry Up (pol)

Veteran 6 (1)

1  Bougen Miss, Gwendariff lily The Pink. My star of the day, everything I was looking for and more, Oh so feminine with a very elegant neck and a lovely flowing topline,  excellent bone, good depth of chest, ribs set well back to a good strong   loin, good width over  croup and correct tail set, good angles for and aft, wide in back quarters ,nicely bent stifles without being over angulated, exquisite head. with dark eye and lovely raised brows, level head plains and balanced throughout, she just oozes quality, another with flowing look at me movement with a good straight front, 7 year’s old on the day but belies her age. I hope the all important 3rd is not too far away.  CC. RBIS and BVIS .

2 Naylor, Mr N. Anlory Corbieres JW, Unlucky to meet 1 in such good form here today, she was enjoying her day out which is so nice to see, sound bitch and loved her free flowing movement, good straight front, attractive head, gentle slope to her topline, good bone and feet, very happy tail action.

3 Blackshaw ,  Mrs V A. Lanstara Spring Star JW.

4 Waterton , Miss S. Sandstream Welcome Breeze Jw Sh CM.

5 White  Mr A. Swiftlark First Desire At Paduan.

Special Vintage Veteran  (0)

Special Beginners  2

1 Corless, Swiftlark Illustrious. 1st Graduate  B.

2 Maple Mrs Lynne . Pollnac New Miracle. Unplaced in previous classes, Slow maturing b, has decent topline strong loin , a little plain in head , she was balanced , moved ok, needs time.

Judge Lyn Macaulay


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